Market research or market research is an important thing to do in product and business development. The goal is to find out all market developments that can affect business products.
However, market conditions are always changing. This is caused by various factors, such as technological developments, consumer behavior, and so on.
Therefore, the market research conducted has also undergone changes, both from a technical point of view and from an approach to consumers. So, you have to follow the growing trend of market research to be more valid and relevant in understanding consumers.
Curious, what are the market research trends that can be carried out in 2023? Check out the discussion in this article. Read to the end, ok !
9 Market Research Trends for 2023
Source: iStock
In 2023, market research trends are France Phone Number List influenced by the use of AI ( artificial intelligence) and the internet. AI has made significant changes to the way Market research is conducted. Meanwhile, the internet has had a big impact on the pattern of business approaches to consumers.
Here are nine market research trends you can run in 2023
Mobile-Friendly Online Surveys
Currently, conducting online surveys will be more efficient to gain consumer insight . By conducting online surveys , you can reach consumers Dd Leads more quickly, get insights that are directly integrated with business data tools , and save costs.
Implementation of this online survey, of course, must be in harmony with the devices used by consumers. In fact, fifty percent of web traffic globally comes from mobile or mobile device users .
That is, the online survey that you do must be mobile friendly to be able to reach consumers better. In addition, online surveys that are mobile friendly will also make it easier for consumers to access surveys and fill in the information you need. So, do you know the function of online surveys for market research ?
Social Media Listening
By looking at the fact that the high use of social media, such as Instagram, witter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and so on, you can use it to conduct market research.
The interactions that occur between consumers and brands on social media can be used as information considerations in market research. For example, input, complaints, and product reviews by consumers on social media platforms .
By doing social media listening, you can get direct, up-to-date insights on consumer behavior, habits, interests, and attractiveness. This insight can be used as data and information about consumers for further product development.