All That Remains is to Find

Content similar to that offer by you. As for what to share, follow the example of brands that are already successfully using live streaming platforms. For example, there are those who broadcast their events live on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. If you have organiz a conference or seminar, by sharing it live from the company’s social mia profiles you will have the opportunity to also involve that part of the target audience who for various reasons was unable to take part. It is important to bring the company as close as possible to its prospects and customers because through transparent conversations the bonds of trust are creat which are the basis of the most profitable and long-lasting commercial collaborations.

Don't Lose Sight of the Updates

New functions propos by the various live streaming platforms to expand the channels available for the company’s social strategy. Facebook, for example , is about to B2b Email List the to add the ability to share 360° videos to its Live offering, a perfect way to record events with many participants or show the company to the public with a virtual tour of offices and production facilities. Instant messaging We’re not just talking about alternatives to SMS, instant messaging applications like Facebook Messenger.

Specifically brands that use

WhatsApp or Skype are us by 4 billion users worldwide and represent a huge opportunity for B2B companies to spread their presence. This type of app are DD Leads completely changing their approach to customer service thanks to personaliz and timely communications. Orienting digital channels and corporate social mia to serve users to offer an increasingly better experience is the reason that drives more and more companies to use instant messaging applications as customer service platforms.

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