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You clicked on this post. How to start cooperation with construction industry specialists. Sarah Chase Sarah Chase July , Construction projects are easy. Said no one ever. This process involves an infinite number of variables and countless key players. But who are they? And what do you, as a manufacturer, ne to deliver to meet their nes? Let’s break it down by role. This is an excerpt from our e book about people involv in BIM projects . In this article, we will focus on the four target groups describ in the report architects, engineers, interior designers and contractors. Do manufacturers matter in the digital building process.

How to start cooperation

You click on this post because you photo editing servies want to learn more about. The key players in construction projects, so we’ll keep this section short and concise. All people involv in the project ne producers to make the construction project a reality. They ne your products, innovations and data. But you ne them too. It’s in cooperation with all the other players that the real magic happens. To the point Reaching architects, engaging them and becoming part of the design specification is no longer the same as it was ten, five or even two years ago.

With construction industr specialists

Digitalization is rampant, and our rather DD Leads late industry is finally. Catching up and adopting digital innovations. To streamline the entire construction process. One of them is BIM building information modeling , and the digital construction process is booming contractors, architects and engineers ne it. Some countries even require it. There is a new BIM reality and in it you ne to contact professionals dealing with the construction process at the earliest possible stage. Thanks to BIM, you will be able to provide interactive D visual materials and product data, which will allow you not only to be.

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