Abdominal x-ray what is it what is it for and how to analyze it

In addition to the suspicion of some conditions evident using this diagnostic method, such as kidney stones, intestinal obstruction and the presence of foreign bodies ingested by children. Although the records generated have low clarity when compared to tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, radiography remains in the routine of radiological services . Next, I bring more details about the indications, how to do and analyze the exam in the next lines. In the end, I explain how telemedicine supports the interpretation of this important exam. What is an abdominal X-ray? Abdominal X-ray is a diagnostic imaging method that uses ionizing radiation to portray the interior of this area. It is usually done to examine the region that starts just below the chest and extends into the pelvis – it is also called a full abdomen x-ray.

What is an abdominal X-ray?

From it, it is possible to study organs such as the stomach, spleen, liver, intestine, bladder and kidneys. This is because the different anatomical structures absorb X-rays differently, appearing in white, black and shades of gray according to their density. I’ll come back to this subject later on. What is the X-ray of the abdomen used for? Abdominal X-ray helps in the investigation Bahrain Mobile Number List of acute conditions , such as patients with severe abdominal pain, vomiting , nausea, diarrhea , constipation or hematuria (blood in the urine). Hence its relevance in the day-to-day of emergency services , allowing the diagnosis of serious events. The suspicion of diseases that affect the digestive or urinary system is another reason for the test, which has the potential to detect: Intestinal obstruction and fecalomas Pneumoperitoneum – air leakage into the abdominal cavity kidney stone abdominal aortic aneurysm gallstone Presence of foreign objects Drain assessment.

What is the X-ray of the abdomen used for?

Other indications depend on medical evaluation. How is an abdominal X-ray done? Preparation for the procedure depends on whether barium- or iodine-based contrast is requested or not . In this case, the patient must be fasting . As for requesting an abdominal X-ray without contrast , there is no need to abstain from food. However, the patient must be instructed to remove DD Leads metallic objects before entering. The X-ray room , in order to avoid artifacts in the images. Some services provide aprons to facilitate this preparation, as clothing may contain zippers and other metallic accessories. Once in the examination room, the radiology technician positions the patient according to the views required in the radiograph order. The most common are in the anteroposterior (AP) position , with image acquisition in the supine position , and orthostatic. After positioning, the technician goes to the command station and turns on the X-ray equipment.

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