Then, is there any difference between Google Data Studio and Looker Studio before being integrated by Google? What are the differences? Well, you can see some of the differences based on the following four criteria.
Data Source Integration
Google Data Studio can integrate with various types of data sources, namely SQL and non-SQL. Google Data Studio can also graph data from multiple data sources at once.
However, the graphic display can only be seen on the data reporting dashboard . You cannot see the reporting on the data source home page .
Meanwhile, Google Looker Studio can only be integrated with SQL data source types. So, you have to convert all forms of data into SQL format.
In Google looker Studio, you can take Belgium Phone Number List advantage of the Merged Result feature to combine data into tabular form. You can use this to carry out checks and create data visualizations.
Data Analysis Capability
Google Data Studio doesn’t have tools to perform data analysis to make significant predictions. In addition, Google Data Studio also does not support the R and Python programming languages. So, you need additional tools like Panoply to integrate Python and R into Google Data Studio.
You can attach the results of data Dd Leads analysis on Google Data Studio to various sites or software that supports HTML. The data reporting is accompanied by a link created by Google Data Studio. Users who access the link can only view data reports and cannot make edits .
In Google Looker Studio, you can create data analysis for significant predictive needs, such as time sequence and data classification. Google Looker Studio also supports Python, Ruby, and TypeScript programming languages.
You can attach the results of the analysis on Google Looker Studio to the various dashboards that are created. Then, users can provide feedback from the data reports that you have created.