Working with crowd. Thanks to Dan Mallin for link. Regus and Zipcar (Avis) partner. Aug 2, 2013 (hat tip Dave Frankland) ING co-working space in downtown Toronto (hat tip Howard Hecht) Marriott experiments with Liquidspace for rapid booking. On Sept 23rd. Marriott and Liquidspace double downed their bets making lobbyist a collaborative workplace. Lincoln Motors partnered with CustomMade to allow the maker GE partner movement to create custom artifacts for new owners. Added Aug 2013/ Program started spring. Comcast has invested $1m in Maker’s Row.
Publish date, July 2013, hat tip J.T.
Ramsay Google Ventures invests $258 million into Uber, (hint: Google Mine, and self driving cars), August 2013 W Hotel has partnered with DesksNearMe, added August 2013 Ikea has encouraged ride sharing in Canada and France, added August 2013, hat tip Juho Makkonen NFL has partnered with Uber to curb drunk driving Russia Phone Number Data athletes, Sept 2013 eBay launched SecretGuru in UK, a services marketplace, in Oct 2012, hat tip Juho Makkonen B&Q, GE partner a home improvement retailer in UK launches neighborhood sharing, called StreetClub, hat tip Juho Makkonen Retailer, Argos.
launches toy swapping website
Hat tip Juho Makkonen EasyJet airlines launches a car sharing service called Easy Car, hat tip Juho Makkonen General Electric launches partnership with skill sharing startup SkillShare, hat tip Juho Makkonen Home Depot rents Australia Phone Number List delivery trucks and tools, hat tip Lou Gutheil Uber partners with GE in promotion in SF with Delorean cars UHaul investor club allows for peer to peer lending based on assets (videos dated 2011) Kaggle, a marketplace of top global scientists is tapped by GE, AllState, and Merck Razorfish, a digital agency, provided free bikes (that Tweet) at SXSW.