How Digital Marketing Influences Consumer Behavior

Digital transformation and changes in consumer purchasing behavior after Covid.

“The pandemic and the lock down have drastically changed or accelerated the change in consumer behavior.”
We’ve been hearing this phrase for months now. But how have consumers changed? In which direction should companies go to face the challenges of the future? How should brands adapt to this change?
These are the real questions we need to answer in order to adapt the customer experience and user

Experience to the new marketing and communication model that lies ahead

In this article you will find some ideas on the Azerbaijan Phone Number List research conducted by Google and companies responsible for new habits and above all a guide on how to set up or improve your online presencedepending on the sudden change.

New research trends

Phone Number List

People’s habits have changed and so have their Google searches. The thousands of searches carried out in Europe, the Middle East or Africa show that the normal continues to evolve. Needs and habits change and more and more people rely on online searches to find inspiration, answers, trends, new skills.
We have therefore witnessed an exponential growth in searches related to ” take away ” or ” home delivery ” mostly during the weekend, but also to DD Leads  new skills ” how to cut hair ” (UK), or again ” how create a home gym ” (Spain) or “ ideas/inspirations for a new bathroom ” (Germany).
The changes have influenced consolidated habits such as those of going to work every day, thus leaving ample space for searches on Amazon or Google for ” High adjustable desk ” (Sweden) or ” comfortable office chair” (France).*

Therefore, it is essential for a company or a brand to adapt to these changes and equip itself with digital skills or digital tools that help teams to better and quickly manage buyer personas and specific and new needs.

Another trend that emerged from the study conducted by the Google Team has highlighted a new philosophy of life that consumers are approaching: ” Slow Living “.**
This trend has grown exponentially on the YouTube channel, bringing out a new mode of behavior of people.
Worldwide research shows that within a year the views of videos with the addition in the title ” slow living ” more than quintupled.


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