Images that I used back in the

 Gutenberg I finally left it, it is its own “ new” block editor. Gutenberg has a lot of controversy because since its launch it has had the same supporters and opponents because it is not as intuitive and simple as people try to make it believe. The main feature is not a full-fledged page builder, such as or, but it works inside the “” in the editor itself, rather than in its own work area, the ( backend). It’s a block system that you can use to lay out by column and row, but it’s not as flexible as a page builder like or.

types of images of impossible montages

 I’ve tried using it several times and I can assure you that I’ve ended  new data   up being crazy because the system for placing, organizing and managing elements in the workspace is not intuitive at all. Everyone wants what they want. Even so, there are other plug-ins that can make it a more powerful tool than standard tools, such as (-themed developer) or . If you run into this problem, see How to design it: – Gutenberg Page Builder

they are for you, I will not be

 Since I have used it for a long time and I know its power in every way, the best page builder for me is without a doubt . Anyway, if I had to choose a page builder that was functionally equivalent, I would choose, so  DD leads  that would also be a good choice. And you Which page builder do you choose? As you can see, there is a visual editor to stop the train, so you can choose the one you feel most comfortable with.

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