What is most important to your business

To execute this task we will need to collect detailed information for each keyword. And to do so we will use the same tools that we took into account in the previous point. The task is to enter the entire list of keywords that we have built in the tool we have chosen, so that said platform adds the search volume, seasonality and level of competition data for each keyword. The volume will show us how many searches the keyword receives in an average month, the seasonality will graph the behavior of the search volume of each keyword in the months of the year and the level of competition will tell.

Classify with the collection of the three

Us how competitive a keyword is a high level of competition business email list means that many businesses are using or trying to position themselves for said keyword . Classify with the collection of the three indicators we will be able to advance to the next step: sit down as a team to discuss, from the business perspective, which are the most coherent and convenient keywords for each phase of the consumer journey. We do the classification to create groups or clusters of keywords that we could work together. The objective is to reduce the volume of keywords that we have in the document, to keep those that represent the best opportunities for the business.

This fifth step is also a good scenario

There is no point in filling ourselves with keywords that are DD Leads synonyms or that overlap with each other. At this stage we exit the tool and sit down with the team to work on the document. This fifth step is also a good scenario to remove from keyword research those keywords that we call “vanity”; that are very ambiguous, contribute little or are very difficult for the digital moment of the business. Step 6. Prioritize after classifying the list, the penultimate step of the process does not have an instruction manual to follow, because what you must do is make decisions. What is most important to your business right now? Which keywords will bring you the most? Where is the greatest opportunity.

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