Index of 2013 Disruptive Technologies

Ecosystems are increasing at an alarming rate. Even though Altimeter rated the technologies that matter from last week’s SXSW, we see even more technologies emerging on the heels of mobile world congress, and CES. Expect even more technologies Disruptive Technologies to emerge, radically altering the power shift of those who use these technologies to gain power over existing. Therefore, institutions. In an attempt to track and then analyze these technologies, I’ll host the following “industry index”, where I list out examples, and the community adds to it in comments. I’ve done this multiple times over previous years.

Which often results

in discrete research projects, market definition reports, and ratings and rankings of technology vendors. I’ve kicked off the list with 10 technologies I see (with help from colleague Chris Silva), and at Altimeter, we’ve embarked on looking Sweden Phone Number Data at research . In conclusion,themes that impact business. With your help through the comments, we can keep this list updated for the year. Index: 2013 Disruptive Technologies Disruptive Technology Description Example Proximity Based Communications Devices that capture and analyze a set of sensors, providing intelligence based on context of people, place.

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Time in a detailed manner

Mobile devices that use Indoor Positioning Systems IPS, NFC, RFID, mobile/social data, and Wifi networks can identify a consumer as they move through a showroom floor, down to the inch. 3D Printing Technology that empowers Canada Phone Number List manufacturing of 3D objects and production anywhere. MakerBot, 3D systems, Affinia, Formlabs, Stratasys, and now replicator. However, technology quickly scans, and copies a 3D item. Collaborative Consumption Web and mobile apps that enable users to share, rent, borrow, and gift products and services with low friction transactions. AirBnb, Lyft, Uber.

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