This is because although CT and RX clearly show bones and hard parts

They do not portray details of lower density tissues. This is the case for tendons and ligaments. These soft tissues end up missing most of the ionizing radiation used in CT and radiography, appearing in shades of dark gray on the recordings. In MRI, on the other hand, they are observed in detail, as MRI images do not depend on tissue density. What is the MRI of the shoulder used for? Shoulder MRI serves to identify alterations and pathologies that affect the structures of this important joint. Formed by three bones (scapula or scapula, clavicle and humerus), the shoulder still has muscles, tendons, cartilage and joint capsule. Its complex composition and full of soft parts requires an exam of high diagnostic accuracy for the detection of anomalies. Generally, diseases and injuries are manifested through acute or chronic pain and limitations to shoulder movement.

According to an article published in the

Brazilian Journal of Orthopedics, “Lately, magnetic resonance imaging has helped us in the diagnosis of both soft tissue lesions and the bone part of this joint; It is a very sensitive and specific test for rotator cuff injuries, acromion morphology, cystic alterations France Mobile Number List at the level of the suprascapular fossa that can cause damage to the suprascapular nerve, tumors and alterations of the anterior and posterior capsulolabral complex”. In this context, MRI also helps in the diagnosis of: Tendinitis Bursitis Osteoarthritis (arthrosis) Tendon rupture Benign and malignant tumors. Next, I explain how the shoulder resonance is performed. How is the MRI of the shoulder done? First, the patient is positioned in dorsal decubitus on the MR equipment stretcher and instructed to remain at absolute rest. If it is an MRI with contrast, a puncture is performed to administer the gadolinium-based compound moments before the acquisition of images.

Then, the doctor or radiology technician responsible

The procedure goes to the control room, where he can talk to the patient through a communicator. He turns on the MRI machine, sliding the gurney into its big tube. There, the radiofrequency coil is directed to the examined shoulder. Once turned on, the equipment DD Leads generates an intense magnetic field, which causes reactions in water molecules. More specifically, the realignment of particles of hydrogen atoms takes place, which, together with radio waves, allow the capture of a specific signal. This signal is sent to an algorithm that translates it into a digital image. Shoulder MRI takes about 30 minutes. Preparing for the magnetic resonance imaging of the shoulder The examination does not require preparation, with the exception of removing metallic objects that may be attracted by the large magnet of the MRI machine. Cell phones, glasses, hairpins, jewelry, jewelry, zippers and other.

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