What Is NPS and How To Boost Customer Loyalty

In 2023 and beyond, a solid digital marketing campaign that contributes to outstanding customer experience is a must. However, keeping track of your progress requires more than just adhering to proven marketing practices and hoping for the best. 

You also need proven metrics to guide your strategies, and your NPS is perhaps one of the most important ones to know. Here’s what you need to know about NPS in marketing to put yours to work for you. 

How to Calculate Net Promoter Score

When gathering data for a net promoter score, marketers ask customers to rank how likely they are to recommend a brand, service, or product on a scale of 0 to 10. Based on their answers, respondents fall into one of three categories:

Promotors respond with 9s and 10s—very satisfied, enthusiastic customers.
Passives typically give scores of 7 or 8—mildly satisfied customers.
Detractors give scores of 0 to 6—people who likely won’t return or recommend your service. Whatsapp Data
You can calculate your NPS by determining which percentage of your respondents fall into each category. Subtract the detractor percentage from the promotor percentage. The result is your net promoter score ranging between -100 and 100.

What Can You Measure Using NPS?
As a digital marketing metric, the concept of NPS may sound simple, but it can tell you so much about how well you’re serving your customers. You can use it to measure almost anything, including:

How loyal your customers are to your brand and products
What is the public perception of your brand
How well you’re doing in comparison to your competition
What your brand’s growth potential is moving forward
Top brands leverage what their NPS tells them to develop a deeper understanding of their customers as people. Brand managers and marketers can then use what they’ve learned to improve their content marketing efforts.

How To Create an NPS Survey

Their sheer simplicity makes NPS surveys incredibly easy to create. However, there’s still an art to making them as effective as possible. Some guidelines include the following:

Choose a survey interface you like and feel comfortable with (e.g., Survey Monkey or Google Forms).
If applicable, begin your survey by asking brief demographic-based questions to help with analysis later. Structure questions carefully and clearly.
Ask the critical NPS question: “On a scale of 0–10, how likely are you to recommend <brand name or product> to a friend?” Be sure to choose a simple DD Leads interface design that’s easy to interact with, as that helps increase participation rates.

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