Vacation spots, rather than stay at hotels. I will use Uber and Lyft to get around town, rather than hire a traditional taxi. I just put my spare car on RelayRide to rent out to others. For my wife’s birthday, I bought her a subscription to Rent the Runway, rather than buying her a new dress. At work, we’ve tapped into LiquidSpace to rent office space on demand. I use Taskrabbit to hire folks at the office rather than using traditional staffing models. We’ve bought refurbished laptops for our staff. Most of our software is already on demand. Because of this, I’m more interested in renting.
I will use AirBnb to find
Borrowing products, rather than buying outright. If I do choose to buy a product, I want to make sure it has great resale value so that I can sell it or rent it to make money. It also means that the relationship I have with other people matters. Now, I rent my car on RelayRide or sell my used electronics on Gazelle. The trusted relationships I Belgium WhatsApp Number Data have with other customers matters as much, if not more, than my relationship with you. I still love you, but in a different way. If you want to be in a relationship with me, recognize that it’s not going to be exclusive. What happens between us has changed.
Subscribing to
You told me what to buy. I bought it and I bought it again. But now, that’s about to change. I don’t want to buy from you directly. I want to rent, subscribe to, and borrow your goods. If I end up buying your product, I want to use it with Sweden Phone Number List others to resell, rent to others, swap or lend. It’s not you, it’s me. Our world has changed, and along with it, my preferences. From a more socially responsible mindset, economic pressures are sufficient, and technology makes it for me to find other consumers who can supply the things I need, virtually on demand. Here’s how my behavior chains changing.