To indicate that the virtual world

 One of the conditions might look like this: Component to View: Any changes that occur in the data component will be seen in the view. View to component: Any changes that occur in the view will also be visible in the component. So, what is React? This is our discussion this time. React is a JavaScript library commonly used for building interactive user interfaces. React is developed by Facebook and is open source. There are several features that are very useful for website developers, such as JSX which is useful for modifying the DOM and has one-way data binding. That’s it for this article. Are you interested in using React to create a website? Write your answer in the comment box below. Stay tuned for our next article. goodbye. 

Learn what React is closer to

The End Also read other featured articles: What is JavaScript? Functions and examples What is the JavaScript programming language? Developers must know. JavaScript Tutorial: Write your first JavaScript codeAcademy Digital Talent Scholarship for Freshers 2022 Alur Belajar Backend Developer Backend developers are software developers who manage whatsapp data servers, applications, and databases so that they can communicate with each other correctly and smoothly. Backend developers play a very important role because only the backend makes the front-end application run properly. In this learning path, you will learn the basics of authoring RESTful APIs; working with database technologies, storage, message brokers, authentication, and authorization; and learning expert concepts for developing 

RESTful APIs such as clean architecture

Serverless, containers, and CI/CD. Dicoding’s Backend Developer courses are developed in conjunction with AWS and industry players in the backend development space. Each step in this learning path is carefully designed so that students have enough knowledge to become a backend developer. In 2022, the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Indonesia DD Leads has partnered with Dicoding to provide a free online training program for final year students or recent graduates. Participants will be able to study in sequence in class: Learn basic JavaScript programming Learn to create backend applications for beginners Understand the basics of backend applications. Participant requirements.

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