The user is not using addition

 especially in the teaching process, but Ichsan at the time seemed unaccustomed to using technology. Until then, the technical examination began. Unlike his peers whose grades were above average, Yishan only scored 25 points out of 100. Because of this incident, his teacher called him a “technically illiterate” child. This incident seemed to leave a deep impression on Masan. Rather than sinking, he was driven and determined to prove that, in fact, he was capable. This burning passion continued into high school. While attending school in Bekasi, Ichsan found time to participate in IT extracurricular activities outside of school hours. Gradually, mastering technology became his passion. The more he studied .

various technological materials

 the more he couldn’t put them down. Start by designing a website, using Arduino and more. Unfortunately, that moment didn’t last long. Ichsan has transferred to a school in another city and no longer focuses on studying IT as before. That didn’t necessarily dampen his enthusiasm, though, because after high school, Ichsan remained determined to get back into technology. In 2017, he chose a bachelor’s degree in information engineering from Sriwijaya University Palembang. It was not ws database easy for him as Ilsan had to participate in the independent selection process. But he did it! Hone your programming skills and be inspired by your achievements through the IDCamp Scholarship Going to college and strengthening your skills in the IT department is certainly not as clear-cut as freshmen think. Reflecting on his seniors and friends who had no .

Idea what major to choose

after graduating from college, Yishan realized that he should not have to go through the same thing. That’s when Ichsan, still in his first year of study (2018), started listing his goals for studying IT. Gradually, he began to explore the world of coding. The following year (2019), Ichsan took the plunge to hone his programming skills through the national software development DD Leads competition FIND IT! Join colleagues at “UGM 2019”. They were also selected as one of the champions. In his third year on campus, Ichsan was introduced by the lecturer to receive a programming scholarship provided by Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison and Dicoding, namely IDCamp (Indosat Ooredoo Digital Camp). 

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