17 Best Chrome Extensions for SEO That Every Marketer Needs

There’s a lot that goes into being an expert at Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Not only do you have to keep up with the latest best practices, but you also have to analyze data, review potential target keywords, and otherwise ensure the websites you manage are correctly optimized.

Thankfully, there are a ton of tools out there to help you get the job done easily and efficiently.

Here are thirteen of the most essential Google Chrome extensions for SEO professionals.

Serpstat Website SEO Checker

If you’re looking for a Google Chrome extension that compiles a ton of great search data into one dashboard, then you’ll really like Serpstat Website SEO Checker.

This one provides information on elements like Alexa rank, total number of keywords, on-page parameters, popularity rank, and so much more.

However, those are pretty considerable numbers if you’re only using the tool to look at data for a page or Ws Number List two at a time.

4. Headline Studio by CoSchedule
Writing content isn’t always as easy as it seems.

Finding the right formula to create a winning headline can sometimes be difficult, which is where Headline Studio by CoSchedule comes in.

This free Google Chrome extension allows you to type or copy in your suggested title, then offers recommendations on how to adjust it for a better ranking.

As a browser extension, it seamlessly integrates with the platforms you’re already posting on.

For example, those like WordPress, Shopify, Wix, and others.

There’s also a paid version that analyzes more data points and offers a more in-depth analysis of your headlines, too.

SEO Toolbar by Ahrefs

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Of course, you can’t talk about SEO tools without mentioning MozBar.

There’s a reason why over 500,000 people have downloaded this tool, with most utilizing it on a fairly regular basis.

There are just so many features that make optimization research easier and quicker than trying to DD Leads juggle the same tasks manually.

However, the coolest part about this Google Chrome extension is probably the overlay feature.

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