What is MSME and what are its characteristics and roles for society

In general, everyone or society wants to create MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises). However, they are still lacking in ways to create credible MSMEs and many buyers.


The community also creates MSMEs because they see the potential and competitiveness that can be overcome in everyday life. Certainly this must be done in advance so that MSMEs can survive and have good competitiveness.


This will be discussed in the current Kelas work article because it discusses the role of MSMEs in the eyes of society and their role for society whether they are influential or not. For more, see this article to the end!


Definition of MSMEs

Source: Shutterstock


Reported by Investopedia , MSMEs (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) are businesses that maintain income, assets or employees below a certain threshold. This indicates that MSMEs are productive business entities owned by individuals.


Each country has its own understanding of what is meant by small and medium enterprises. The criteria that must be met and sometimes the industry in which the company operates are also known further.


However, basically in Indonesia there are three MSMEs namely micro, small and medium businesses. It also adjusts the differences starting from understanding, results and turnover.


Differences between Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises


So MSMEs are intended to maintain Saudi Arabia Phone Number List business from the capital that has been used to achieve profits. This is certainly very important considering the three businesses are different from one another.


Micro business


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Micro-enterprises in general are productive economic enterprises owned by individuals or business entities according to the criteria for micro-enterprises. This indicates that the business being built is an independent and productive business.


Businesses included in the criteria for micro-enterprises are businesses that have a net worth of IDR 50,000,000 and do not include buildings Dd Leads and land where the business is located. This micro business has a maximum sales of IDR 300,000,000.


Examples of micro-enterprises: Trading businesses such as street vendors and market traders.


Small business
Small business is a productive economic business that stands alone or independently, both owned by individuals and groups and not as a branch business entity of the parent company. Controlled and owned as well as being a part either directly or indirectly of a medium-sized business.

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