SXSW is a Festival Not Just A Conference

More than ever, I heard more folks debating if SXSW was good for business. Just a big party. Those who have attended the event for over . A decade swear the soul has been stolen, and local Austin denizens often leave town and rent their place on. AirBnb for a pretty penny. There’s no shortage of critics. Looking closer. The components for a unique. In conclusion, petri dish are present, including. Big brands, 2) software vendors who are trying to SXSW is sell to them. Device manufactures who are trying to reach influencers, 4) digerati and A-List tech celebs (which means they are D-List celebs in real life).

Mainstream media celebs

Including actors, sports stars and more. And perhaps most importantly, 6) an engaged set of over aprox 25,000 interactive. In conclusion, attendees ready to trial new technologies. (see demographics) Here’s the arguments both for and against SXSW as a business event vs a boondoggle. Business Goals. The Upsides and Downsides India WhatsApp Number Data of SXSW Use Cases Upsides Downsides. Unique Interactive Experience Concentrating over 25k people into a. A few small blocks enables unique . Therefore, social and tech interactions. The chances of you experiencing. A SXSW is unique breakthrough moment are rare, as the event is dispersed.

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Quality Speakers and Panels

The keynote speakers are grade A quality. Al Gore, Elon Musk, Wholefoods CEO, and others, deliver earth shaking insights. The crowd influenced panels are hit and miss. Most panelists are not professional speakers. Therefore, and China WhatsApp Number List quality is a crap shoot. Reach Influencers Many of the tech influencers are present, launching books, on stage, hosting parties, or milling about. They’re overwhelmed with requests and trying to get their attention to pitch . In conclusion, them is very challenging. Learn about new trends Historically, new technologies have gained grown here, from Twitter, to a rash of location based apps.

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