It uses augmented reality capabilities

With great enthusiasm, he was once again interested in pursuing this opportunity. He immediately signed up and chose the Android Developer learning path. Ichsan was one of 12,792 developers to receive an IDCamp scholarship in 2019. He also has thousands of other applicants set aside so he can qualify for Intermediate to Expert levels! It took him at least 250 hours to pass the learning path.This experience strengthened Ichsan’s determination to become a reliable software engineer. Reference: Open yourself to opportunities While Yishan was busy listening to lectures, he was still eager for new things. Since joining the IDCamp Fellowship, he realized that his passion lay in mastering Android development. 

Ichsan also continues to pursue

A variety of other opportunities to explore this knowledge. From participating in campus communities such as GDSC (Google Developer Student Club), participating in various Dicoding projects, to being active as a freelancer in the 5th-8th semester of college. When asked “Why Android?” Ishan replied briefly: “Because the world is now in one hand.” In short, Ichsan explains, humans ws number list can do just about anything with their smartphones these days. Starting from interaction, work, study, shopping and human survival activities can all be completed using smart applications made by IT developers. According to the Ministry of Communications and Information, 89% of Indonesians own smartphones, of which 91.24% are Android users. Since Ichsan is an Android smartphone user, and considering .

That Android itself has a very

 large market share in Indonesia, this is the biggest motivation that makes him interested and more focused on developing Android applications than others. Although Ichsan’s main interest is Android development, Ichsan believes that he still needs to learn basic  programming from other related technologies to gain supporting insights. He said: “If we can ‘travel’ to DD Leads another world, why choose one! In this context, Yishan conveys the message that human beings are actually given the privilege of learning many things, just these Stuff eventually comes back to humans – whether they want to limit themselves or not. Therefore, in 2020, Ichsan came back to enrich.

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