Therefore, use your customer database for this. If you use tools

Like the Facebook Pixel, this will be perfect. If not, this information can be extracted from a customer register. There is also the option to create audiences containing all users who interacted with your content on Instagram or Facebook page. This is a good database, because with it you can find new audiences by creating a lookalike audience or simply for remarketing. Creating an Audience for Facebook Ads Advertising After that, go to the Facebook business manager homepage . In the left column, go to “ Audiences ”. custom audiences After that, you will see the audience options you can create. public facebook ads Audiences screen for Facebook ads Then, having the data, you can choose one or more audience options. If you want to target ads to a specific audience, it’s ideal to use the custom audiences option.

In it, you can use the audience captured by

The Facebook Pixel or through interactions with your fanpage or Instagram profile. You can choose an audience for ads by selecting one of the audience source options. For example, if you have a customer base, you can use their data to create a list. This list is converted into audience data by Facebook that will find your customers. There is also the possibility of creating and choosing your ad audience Depository Institutions Email List from the interaction data captured by Facebook, such as: videos, events, fanpage, Instagram profile and others. Advertising facebook custom audiences Facebook Custom Audience Build Dashboard. If you want to reach new audiences, use the lookalike audiences option. In this way, Facebook will automatically create an audience that has interests and behaviors similar to those in the database. However, Facebook creates a very large audience.

So, if your goal is restricted to a certain region

This option may not be interesting for you. publish facebook ad Facebook lookalike audience creation dashboard. Also, there is the option of special audiences. In this option, the DD Leads public must relate to topics involving politics, elections, credit, job offers or housing. public facebook special ad Audience building guide for Facebook Special Ads. Finally, if you want to create a region-restricted audience without having to use a database, you can use saved audiences. With them, you can choose your audience for facebook ads by defining characteristics that are inherent to them. public ad facebook Facebook Saved Audience Creation Dashboard. Conclusion In this article, you learned how to define a target audience for Facebook ads. You’ve seen that Facebook offers several options for creating audiences, such as custom, lookalike, saved, or special audiences. Using Facebook Ads, you can create and choose.

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