Just enable the function of receiving gifts and make money with your videos

Advertising Users are more likely to give gifts when they feel helped with the videos and/or satisfied with the entertainment you create, so always focus on creating ways to get them to give gifts. You can even ask for gifts during the video, as a way to receive validation and recognition of content from users. However, if you don’t have 100k followers yet, no problem. Keep producing blockbuster content , viral videos and always using the best hashtags to tag your videos the right way. This will all help you gain more followers so, when you reach the 100k mark, put the above tips into practice. 5 – Indication of friends. This way of how to monetize TikTok is one of the best known and is available to any user. No restrictions. It works based on the indication of new users.

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Remembering: these people cannot be TikTok users. Otherwise, they can even download the app, but monetization won’t work. By the way, in this case, monetization works like this: people use your code, create a profile on TikTok and, from that, you receive coins Shipbuilding and Boatbuilding Email List on the platform. Sale of products, if you already work with e-commerce, you can integrate it with the TikTok ads manager . Advertising remember that video game ad that popped up while you were jumping from video to video? Or that LED tape with a voice in the background narrating about the places where you can place it to make the environment more charming? Or that mini projector that turns any room into an amazing movie theater? These are just examples of users who have done e-commerce integration with TikTok and are making money from it.

It is important to pay attention however

that TikTok still does not allow integration with any e-commerce market. Some of the allowed ones that you can use are the Integrated Store, Shopify , VTEX and Kyte. Another example of selling products that are also an excellent way to monetize TikTok happens with DD Leads people who work making birthday cakes. When these professionals post videos in which they appear assembling cakes, making them and talking to the audience about the product creation process, they are engaging users who may become future buyers. How to receive money earned on TikTok? Advertising You have seen that among the possibilities of how to monetize TikTok, some involve the accumulation of rubies and diamonds. You cannot “withdraw” these rewards. You first need to accumulate values ​​of 5, 10 and 20 reais so that, only then, you receive the amount earned – either by Pix, bank transfer.

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