Post few stories throughout the day if one day you thought that posting

A lot of stories is a good practice, we have to warn you that this is not the case. Posting a lot doesn’t help you get more views on Instagram Stories. It’s the opposite! The fewer stories you post, the greater the chances of having more views! You should keep in mind that the purpose of posting a story is for your followers to watch it. When there are many stories, views usually drop when comparing the first and last numbers. The reason for this is obvious, many stories bore the followers! When a series of stories makes a follower bored, they skip to watching stories from other accounts – you probably did or do that. As a result, in addition to losing views, this reaction from users is seen by algorithms as a sign of disinterest. So post few stories.

That way, you increase the chances of people

watching all of them instead of jumping to the next ones. 3 – Avoid reposting posts or including links in stories. This is controversial, we know! But we are not condemning the practice of sharing posts in stories . In fact, we want to warn you, as Instagram itself hinted at Air Transportation Email List this by saying  that it prefers to show original stories rather than stories from re-shared feed publications. Now, let’s think logically about how harmful this practice can be. If the goal is to make your followers and visitors watch your stories, then it makes no sense to make them leave them. So if you post a few stories and, right in the middle of them, you share a feed post or link, if someone taps it, they’ll be taken to another page and your subsequent stories lose sight of that person.


So, if you want to get more views on stories

Avoid reposting feed posts or including links in the middle of a series of stories. Leave that for the last few stories. This way your follower or visitor will watch as much as possible. 4 – Watch other people’s stories. Many users have the habit of checking each person who DD Leads watched their stories. So, to get more views on stories, a good strategy is to watch other people’s too. If you follow a lot of accounts, you can just watch the first story and jump to the next account’s story. This will be enough for the “onlookers” to visit your profile and watch your stories as well. Oh! And, reacting, liking posts and commenting are also other ways as effective as to attract more viewers. 5 – Don’t make your stories boring.

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