Tag people locations and hashtags seeing a photo of yourself

With someone or in the middle of a “crowd” is something that usually arouses the curiosity of many people. So don’t pass up the opportunity to tag someone or a place when you post your story. It is worth mentioning that many people watch stories from places and certain hashtgs. If yours is among them, more views will come to your profile. Note: This strategy is for public accounts. Private accounts don’t display stories in locations or hashtags, even if you tag them. How to increase story engagement? You can increase engagement by using some features of the format, such as emojis for reactions, polls or question boxes. It’s good practice to also ask people to reply to your story via inbox, or to like if they agree or like what you’ve shown. Avoid practices like putting reaction emojis in the corner.

Doing so can make people angry

And you could lose followers because of it. Why do I have many followers and few views on stories? The most likely reason why a person has a lot of followers and few views is because their stories are in the middle or at the end of the queue of their followers’ suggested Water Transportation Email List stories bar. As explained above, as you have interactions with your followers – or they with you – your stories move to the top of the  queue in the suggested stories bar. Also, it should be considered that accounts with a lot of followers have a harder time getting engagement – ​​we explain this in more detail in our guide on influencer types . Therefore, first analyze whether the engagement rate for your number of followers is within the normal range and, if not, consider assessing whether.

There are violations on Instagram:

Check your account status, as violations reduce reach. Your followers don’t match your audience: followers gained from sweepstakes and other methods tend to be low-engaged. You post infrequently: Low posting frequency tends to reduce the reach of stories over time. You can DD Leads test boost your posts using automatic audiences to try to re-establish your engagement. When you turbocharge posts, algorithms are forced to go beyond the mainstream and find your audience and gather more information, thus improving your reach over time. And, if there are violations, try to resolve them as soon as possible so as not to have greater losses. Why are views on my stories dropping? Advertising If you’ve noticed a sudden drop in views of your stories, it’s possible that your account has a violation being addressed on Instagram. Check your account status by going to your profile, then tapping the hamburger icon.

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